General Interests

My chief interests lie in 3d programming, fluid simulation (and here), the Rust programming language, backend services, and cloud orchestration platforms (Terraform et al).

Single Page Applications (svelte, vuejjs, react), while presenting complexity (multiple languages etc.) would appear to be the way forward. Rails, for pragmatic reasons, does not seem to agree with this. However HTML seems to be one of the only application platforms that has shoehorned urls into an application delivery mechanism, that violates countless separation of concerns, and is arguable a mess of bad ideas following on from ill-thought out base principles. Phew! So yeah, I like Single Page Apps (or whatever the current adjective de-jour happens to be).

I prefer to adhere to a Test Driven Design workflow. The peace of mind that a thorough & incisive test harness brings to a team is indispensible to delivering an agile, feature complete & correct solution to stakeholders.

I have worked with various Google API’s (Google places, Google drive, Permissions API), and am comfortable working with JSON based API’s, aware of the challenges and tradeoffs this brings.

If you have a need for spatial functionality, I have experience with PostGIS, and Google Places API.

My natural environment is within a pry/byebug session, debugging the internals of a Rails application, or whichever gem currently seems to be misbehaving.

I have a deep understanding of Javascript, prototypes, dynamic scoping, ES6, build time tools (webpacker, rollup) and everything else required to get front-end working, and keep it that way.

I am also interested in Flutter, which looks to be a promising technology for targeting heterogenous smartphone environments within one technology stack.

Current Interests

I generally keep an eye on where current trends are going, and which technologies are relevant and applicable to industry needs.

  • Rust programming language, Nu Shell, Fluid Simulation. Game Development.
  • Svelte, VueJS, and in a pinch, ReactJS
  • Flutter apps. Google’s mobile stack appears to attack the problem of multiple platforms, from the right levels. The language, and a runtime that does away with differing widget heirarchies. Only a company with the resources comparable to google could attempt, and pull this off.
  • eBPF, the virtual machine within the Linux Kernel. This is an interesting development, enabling observability superpowers within Linux.
  • Docker, manage deployment environments within your repository. Very nice tool, but it appears to be ceding to:
  • Kubernetes, This is on my todo list.